Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Oh my...Can you believe it? I am back baby!

Well, I guess I took a summer vacation along with the kids :) Natasha told me I was fired from blogging, but she never actually gave me my "pink slip" so until then, I suppose I will stay on the payroll! I pretty much killed my night (from 10pm when everyone else goes to sleep on...) updating my page. I decided I am welcoming fall with open arms. The truth is, while I was sick, my flower beds became overrun with weeds, my potted flowers died from lack of hydration and the laundry became and insurmountable pile from the kids changing 10 times a day. So moral of the story: I can wait to rip everything (weeds AND flowers) out of my flowerbeds, throw all my pots in the trash and pull out the levi's and 3/4 length shirts in an effort to avoid the exisiting piles of dirty tanktops, shorts and swimsuits. Ahhh, I just love it when the season changes.

So, Drew said the funniest thing (well funny only through the magic gift of hindsight) that I cannot pass up retelling. We took all of our Young Women group to Young Living this week. The first thing we did there, was to go on a wagon ride through the fields and park. Well, Drew ran right to the front of the wagon to get as close as she could to the drivers (there were two of them) and the horses. Her friend, Maddi Webster and myself were all seated together at the front and across from us were several of my young women. Ok, here is the story:

Garrett and Darrel (the driver and tour guides): "off to the right you will see some Wolfberry bushes"
Mandi: "Oh, when I was sick a couple of weeks ago, my dad brought my some juice with Wolfberry in it. I really enjoyed it and think it worked good."
Drew: "Yeah, it worked so good she didn't stop FARTING the whole day after she took it"


I was telling Ryan about the whole ordeal when we got home and he asked Drew why she would say something like that, especially when it was a untrue.
Drew's answer (picture instantaneous mischevious grin and shoulder shrug): "Well, I don't know why I said it, I guess because I thought it would be funny-and it was!"

I am thinking military school might be a good option.....?



casey-trisha smith family said...

Wahoo!!!! I did vote that i thought you would NEVER post again, but I must have thought deep down you were going to again because I still checked your blog everyday!

Shane and Kendra said...

Yeah your blogging again! I love the new look. It makes me think that I am ready for FALL!
You can't help but laugh at your story. Kids... where do they come up with these things? I truly cringe every time my kids open there mouths in public...I never know what is going to come out!

Unknown said...

I know checking your blog is the last thing on your mind right now, but I have been thinking about you guys all night and just wanted to say we love you and Taylor and your family is in our prayers. Please, please, please come to our house to sleep, eat, shower, whatever you need!

Natasha said...

Mandi! I had almost given up hope! Your blog is so dang cute! Totally love your new look. It seriously feels like last Wednesday (when you did this) was forever ago. I can't believe how much has happened since then. I can't wait to see you (and Taylor) again. We love you and are still praying for you!

Natasha said...

Mandi! I had almost given up hope! Your blog is so dang cute! Totally love your new look. It seriously feels like last Wednesday (when you did this) was forever ago. I can't believe how much has happened since then. I can't wait to see you (and Taylor) again. We love you and are still praying for you!